Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Head scratchers

Skip to the pic of Fred with the orange thing if you don't want to read boring boy stuff. 
It was a weekend spent in the marina as we caught up on some maintenance work. I finally pulled everything apart and went through the engine. The first mystery of the weekend was this.

That's the vented loop in the raw water circuit. However, instead of just having a vent on the elbow, it has another hose clamped on that runs off into the darkness. I don't know what that does or why. Any ideas?

Then there's this. (My apologies for the poor focus.)

The breather hose from the dripless shaft seal is just plugged with a nut. This was mentioned on the survey, so I wanted to get it remedied and vented correctly. However, I have no idea where this hose is supposed to go or what it should vent to.

Then we found this thing rolled up in the closet.

At first I thought it was a dive flag or something, but as I unrolled it I realized it wasn't a flag at all. It's made of spinnaker material and has a little label in the middle that says something like "Nautic Sails", but it has no information about what it is. My best guess is one of those parachute anchors you drag, but I have no real idea. I've never actually seen one.  My guess is...hamock, or tiny spinnaker.

Then we finally dug out the bimini and attached it to the dodger.

It's a very odd design. It has metal ribs and zips onto the dodger, but there is no rear frame, so it just ties onto the backstay and the rear rail. However, there are zippers on the back of it.  It's not the best, but it works, and doesn't need immediate replacement, so I'll take that as a win. 

Forensic science and my CSI instinct leads me to believe there was more to the bimini and some sort of frame in back, but I guess we'll never know.

The bimini is pretty ragged, but luckily Mary sews. This is the perfect reason to bring my Brother sail-right sewing machine down to the boat.  We got this machine a couple years ago from some sailing friends.  It does the zig zag and the straight stitch that you need to do sails, and it works plugged in or with a hand crank.  It's a really cool machine, but I am trying to downsize so after I finish doing all our patch work I'll probably take it to the boaters resale, and try to make some new air-conditioner money. I think you're just trying to talk up this old machine in hopes someone will make you an offer ...

It rained all day and night Saturday, but that wasn't too bad because that rain also helped us solve a few mysteries.  It was great!  Nothing like being in a boat during a storm.  Little bit of scary, little bit of snuggles, little bit of fun with friends.  

The previous owner left tupperware sitting on top of the drawers in the v-berth.  This should have been super obvious.  I mean, you just came into all this boat sale money, why wouldn't you take your tupperware and fill it full of steaks while you're living the high life?

Thankfully we didn't move it since it became very obvious very fast that it sits under the port with a broken latch for a reason. I think we had about three inches of water in that tupperware by Sunday morning.

Sadly, even though I spent quite a while poking through everything and discovering mysteries, I haven't actually fixed anything yet. We've been so lazy.  I'll feel better when I can finish all my research and can start ticking things off my survey report.

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